

Director of Technical Assistance, Climate-Smart Commodities Connected Ag Project

Ask me about:

Soil Health, Regenerative Agriculture, Water Quality, Irrigation Technology Improvement to Reduce Water Use, Farmer-to-Farmer Engagement, Federal/State/Local Conservation Program Implementation, Building Public/Private Partnerships, Ecosystem Service Markets

Andrew Lyon is Trust in Food’s Director of Technical Assistance focusing on supporting growers and implementation of the Climate-Smart Commodities Connected Ag Project.  He manages a team of Technical Assistance providers to work with farmers and ranchers to implement conservation practices and new technologies to increase profitability, improve natural resources, sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve producer quality of life.

Before joining Trust in Food, Andy spent 15+ years working for the State of Kansas on soil and water conservation and water quality issues. He led the state non-point source water quality program for 4+ years and most recently served as the Director of Conservation for the Kansas Department of Agriculture for 3+ years.

Andy holds a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University in Agriculture with a major in Agricultural Technology Management, a secondary major in Natural Resource and Environmental Science, and a minor in Agronomy.  He also holds a master’s degree from Oklahoma State University in Environmental Science housed in the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department.

Andy grew up and now helps operate his family’s commercial cow/calf ranching operation near Emporia, Kansas.  Andy and his wife Sarah have a son, Drew, and a daughter, Ava.

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