Chelsea Slaton



Grants Manager

Ask me about:

conservation, project management, conservation easements, ag policy, specialty crops, food labeling, advocating for incentive-based conservation programs, grassroots advocacy, regenerative agriculture

Chelsea Slaton is the Grants Manager for Trust In food.  In this role, Chelsea utilizes her vast experience in managing grant programs and projects to ensure that we have the systems, processes, and reporting needed to meet requirements and to ensure that we can demonstrate the impact being made. She liaises with partners on financial and impact reporting, as well as operational needs. 

Chelsea comes to Trust in Food from California Farmland Trust where she served as the Conservation Director. Her previous roles include working as the Director of Development for the California Waterfowl Association and prior to that, managing the Political Affairs Department of the California Farm Bureau Federation. Chelsea has a keen awareness that it takes many contributing parties to succeed in conservation and believes that for long-term and widespread conservation practices in agriculture to be successful, the future will require support and consideration of many stakeholders. Throughout her career, she has long advocated for incentive-based conservation programs and Trust In Food is doing exactly that, bringing stakeholders together from different segments and providing recourses necessary for producers to implement new conservation practices that make sense for their bottom line. She holds an M.S. in Agriculture Communications and minor in Agricultural Business from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.  She resides just north of Sacramento, CA with her husband, Beau, young daughter, and the largest, friendliest black Labrador retriever you’ve ever seen.  As an avid outdoors family, they enjoy much of their time together in remote places and in the kitchen preparing wild game from those experiences when they are home.  

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