

Visual Communications Manager

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Regenerative agriculture, farmer-facing communications, food transparency, technology and machinery, grassroots marketing strategies, creative outreach, events, succession planning, farmer-to-farmer engagement, producer perspectives

Joelle leads Trust In Food’s visual communications strategy and execution for key producer-facing initiatives including the Climate-Smart Commodities Connected Ag Project and Trust In Beef. With over a decade of experience in marketing, communications and brand management, she applies a holistic approach to addressing challenges through creative solutions. 

She and her husband own and operate Orem Farms in Central Indiana where they manage an integrated crop and livestock operation and a thriving direct-to-consumer beef business. As fourth-generation farmers, they firmly believe in transparency within the food industry and have recently transitioned to regenerative agricultural practices. 

Prior to joining Trust In Food, Joelle served as a content producer and managed the design and creative production for The Scoop at Farm Journal, the leading publication in the agricultural retail and crop consulting industry. 

Joelle is a public speaker and award-winning ambassador in the agriculture community. She previously served on the Purdue Extension Women in Agriculture team at the state level and remains involved with her local rural economic development initiatives and Ag Women Connect. Additionally, she champions fellow farmers and ranchers by facilitating access to critical resources for business success.

You can reach Joelle at

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